Win more jobs by offering your customers finance
Let your customers pay in monthly instalments
Get paid in full & on time when the job is done
Quick & easy setup - no paperwork required!

Trusted by 5,000+ UK tradespeople

How it works
Watch video guide
Use Kanda to create & send a quote
Your customer accepts & applies for financing
Start the job & get paid when you’re done!
Got questions? Book a call back below
We’ve helped 5,000+ tradespeople win more jobs

Increased customer enquiries by 27%
Earned in 1 week
Customer enquiries

Earned £100,000 more with Kanda
Paid out in
72 hours

Reduced payout time from 90 days to 3 days
Paid out in
72 hours

Increased customer enquiries by 27%
Earned in 1 week
Customer enquiries

Earned £100,000 more with Kanda
Paid out in
72 hours

Reduced payout time from 90 days to 3 days
Paid out in
72 hours
Why choose Kanda:
simple, fast & built for tradespeople
Win more jobs
Offer easy payment plans right in your quotes. Give your customers more ways to pay that suit their budget, making it easier for them to choose you for the job.
Dedicated Support
Got a question or need help? Our friendly team is always ready to help. We offer free training and are just a phone call or email away.
Get paid fast
No more chasing payments! With Kanda, you get your money within 72 hours of completing the job - no delays.
Easy to add to your website
Adding Kanda to your website is simple. Whether you use Wix, Squarespace, or something else it only takes a click to get it up and running.
Easy set up
You don’t need any special skills or tech know-how. We’ll give you free training, and in just 2-4 weeks, you’ll be ready to offer financing options to your customers.
Secure payments
Your money’s safe with us. We make sure every payment is secure, so you can rest easy knowing your hard-earned cash is protected.
Kanda offers flexible finance options for every job: big or small
Happy customers, great reviews

Kanda supports 100+ trades & businesses
Sign up today & get a free marketing pack
Join Kanda & we’ll send you a free marketing pack to help you win more jobs and stay ahead of the competition.